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Opposition(I.N.D.I.A) clean bowled on No-Confidence Motion

On Thursday, 10th August there was discussion going on No-Confidence Motion which was initiated by opposition parties. Around 5 PM, Prime Minister Modi started his speech on No-Confidence Motion and was giving details about the development works like Make In India, Skill India, Digital India, Jan-Dhan Bank Accounts, Swachh Bharat Campaign etc. which were initiated by his Govt. He was so energetic at the time of expressing his views and came with full preparation. He said that development which is taking place today will be the road map of next 1000 years.  

He had launched several attacks on opposition parties especially Congress, from its formation to present. He also criticized the opposition parties for not cooperating with Govt. on several Bills passed during the session.

Actually the opposition parties, wanted an answer from PM Modi on Manipur Violence and started shouting in lower house in the mid of his speech. PM Modi expressed his views on each and every topic including North-East. He spoke on situations in North-East before and after 2014 that how he and his ministers are taking report on development works after taking charge in 2014. Before PM Modi started his speech on Manipur violence, opposition parties walked out from Lok Sabha and  there were no members left from opposition especially(I.N.D.I.A). As opposition parties walked out from the house, speaker Om Birla initiated voting by Voice test which Govt. had easily passed.He also suggested opposition parties to come with another No-Confidence Motion with full preparation in 2028.

This was the second time that NDA Govt. faced No-Confidence Motion. In 2018, they faced No-Confidence Motion which they had passed with adequate numbers. PM Modi had delivered speech of 2 Hours 13 Minutes which is the longest speech ever given by any PM during No-Confidence Motion.

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